Estás en Chile  Lakes and Volcanoes  Valdivia 

History of Valdivia

Valdivia is a city located in the Los Ríos Region, in southern Chile, which has a rich history dating back to pre-Columbian times.

The area was inhabited by the Mapuches and the Huilliches, who successfully resisted colonization attempts by the Spanish in the 16th century.

In the year 1645, the Spanish founded the city of Valdivia, which became an important center of trade and military defense.

During the 19th century, the city passed into the hands of the Chileans and became a center for the lumber industry and fishing.

In 1960, a strong earthquake and tsunami destroyed a large part of the city, which was rebuilt in the following years.

Currently, Valdivia is a tourist city known for its rich history, its colonial architecture and its beautiful natural landscapes.

See places to visit in Valdivia

Places to visit in Valdivia

Tourism notes in Valdivia

Descubre la majestuosidad de los castillos en la región de Valdivia

La región de Valdivia, en el sur de Chile, es conocida por su belleza natural y su rica historia. Entre sus destacados atractivos se encuentran los imponentes castillos que se erigen como testigos silenciosos de épocas pasadas. Estas magníficas fortalezas son un testimonio de la importancia estratégica que tuvo la regi&o...

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