Estás en Chile  Islands of Chile  Chonchi - Isla de Chiloé 

Tourism in Chonchi - Isla de Chiloé

Chonchi is a city located on the east coast of the Isla Grande de Chiloé, in the Los Lagos Region of Chile.

It is known for its wooden church, declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, and for its colorful colonial-style houses.

The city is an important center for fishing and agriculture, and is a starting point for exploring the surrounding islands.

Visitors can enjoy the natural beauty of the area, including the Pullao Nature Reserve and the Compu Fjord.

See more about the location of Chonchi - Isla de Chiloé

Places to visit in Chonchi - Isla de Chiloé

Más Alojamiento en Chonchi - Isla de Chiloé:
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Chonchi - Isla de Chiloé
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