Estás en Chile  Northern Chile  Calama 

History of Calama

The history of Calama dates back to pre-Columbian times, when the area was inhabited by various indigenous peoples, such as the Atacameños and the Changos.

During colonial times, the city was part of the Royal Audience of Charcas and later of the Intendancy of Atacama.

At the end of the 19th century, Calama began to gain importance thanks to the exploitation of saltpeter, a mineral used in the production of fertilizers and explosives.

The city became an important mining center and railways were built to transport the nitrate to the ports on the coast.

In the 1950s, the exploitation of copper became the main economic activity in Calama. The city developed rapidly and new neighborhoods and public services such as hospitals and schools were built.

In the 1970s, significant copper reserves were discovered in the area, further fueling the growth of the city.

Today, Calama is a city in constant growth and development, with an economy based on mining, tourism and agriculture.

The city has important nearby mining deposits, such as the Chuquicamata mine, and is also a starting point for exploring the Atacama Desert, one of the most popular tourist destinations in Chile.

See places to visit in Calama

Places to visit in Calama

Tourism notes in Calama

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